
branding photography

The key differences between branding photography and headshots

By Mariya Maximtsev - April 9, 2024

In the world of professional photography, two terms often interchange but serve different purposes: headshots and branding photography (often also referred to as personal branding photography). Both serve important roles in portraying individuals or businesses in their best light, however, the subtle differences between them significantly influence how they’re used and the results they produce.…

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Best places for pictures in Chicago, IL

By Mariya Maximtsev | July 20, 2022

The city is so big it’s you don’t always know about the must-see best photo locations. This blog will help you discover and plan the best places for pictures in Chicago. If you do professional photography, you might have questions like what Chicago locations require a photo permit, or when is the best time to…

12 Tips For How to Look Good in Pictures Effortlessly

By Mariya Maximtsev | July 4, 2022

Looking good in pictures is a skill that is developed over time. People and photographers who take pictures professionally know how to look good in pictures because they have a good understanding of their bodies, energy, lighting, and composition. They know what angles work for them, they know how to manipulate or use lighting to their advantage,…

Creative Photoshoot Ideas to Try for Social Media

By Mariya Maximtsev | June 6, 2022

Sometimes when you scroll through social media, you get the feeling that you have seen it all before, the same locations and the same boring poses. The reason it all seems the same is that people often share a lot of very basic photos. So how do you stand out and show off your creative…

Lower Antelope Canyon | Tavel Photography

Best Places to Capture Photography in Arizona

By Mariya Maximtsev | February 10, 2022

We Midwesterners tend to stereotype Arizona as a wasteland of heat, sand, and cactuses, but that is very far from the truth! Arizona, simply put, is stunning, with numerous mountain ranges, pine trees, extremely hot weather, and even snow; so much snow that they have closed the north side of the Great Canyon for the…

Top photography tips to become a professional photographer in 2022

By Mariya Maximtsev | January 22, 2022

6 Things I Learned as Professional Photographer Recently I’ve been getting this question a lot: How do I start photography? My immediate answer is just to grab a camera and go practice! But the more I thought about it, the more photography tips I came up with that are just as important as practice. Even…

Best Tips for What to Wear for a Photoshoot

By Mariya Maximtsev | October 11, 2021

You just booked a photoshoot with a really talented photographer and your excitement is going through the roof! But what to wear for a photoshoot? You heard that there are some things that you should or shouldn’t wear, but what are the rules? Clothing in a photoshoot is a whole entire “science” in the photography…